I’m Nethum Lamahewage. I’m primarily a programmer - mainly as a hobby since about mid-2019, and now also as a student.
As of 2022, I’m a Computer Science & Engineering undergraduate at the University of Moratuwa.
Online Presence
My main “official” online presences are currently limited to the following.
This is where some of my “important” projects are hosted. The majority of them are private for various reasons, but a few are public, including the source for this website. The ones that are private are that way usually because I don’t consider them particularly useful for most people.
The list of private repositories includes my dotfiles repo. If you’re not familiar with what they are, here is a nice introduction. It has my dotfiles dating back to the beginning of 2021. I’m pretty sure that that’s not when I started properly using dotfiles, but that’s as far back as my commit history goes. In the future, I may open it up, but for now, I’m planning on making at least a few posts about individual components of it here.
This is my other official presence online. It exists mainly for career purposes (it’s LinkedIn).
You can expect it to be reasonably up-to-date, at least with the more important details.
I originally joined Medium for the purpose of having an online blog. Since I set up this site, I won’t be using Medium that often.
All of my posts will be here on this site, but a few of them will occasionally be posted there as well.
About this site
This is a Hugo-generated static site using Org Mode, ox-hugo, and the LoveIt theme, hosted on GitHub Pages. I will likely be doing a separate post about how this is set up and the process I went through to get to this site, and if/when I do, I’ll link it here. UPDATE : the post is ready.
The source is a git repository hosted on GitHub. If you have any comments, suggestions, corrections, questions, etc., right now, I think the best way to send them to me is through the issues page on GitHub. I will probably set up a comment system on the site itself in the future, but for now, I think the issues page is the best option.
If you want to know when I post new articles on this site, you can use the RSS feed. If you’re unfamiliar with RSS feeds, read this article on Lifewire or the Wikipedia page. There are various feed readers for pretty much every platform, so get one and add the link to this site’s RSS feed into it.
This site uses GoatCounter for analytics. It doesn’t use cookies and is not intended to track users. It’s simply there for me to know about the viewership of the site. GoatCounter itself is open source and so is this site. I do not like when sites track users, but I think simple analytics under these conditions (cookie-less, open source, non-tracking) are acceptable.
My version of the disclaimer that similar personal blogs tend to have:
The views expressed on this site are mine, and not those of my employer (or anyone else). On occasion, I may show my writing to others for review before posting here, but whatever they say, the final decision about what actually ends up in the blog is still mine. Others may have an influence on what I say, but no control.
Additionally, unless explicitly mentioned, the content of this site is not AI-generated.